This eighth edition was dedicated to the theme of Art Nouveau stained-glass. The glass industry boomed at the end of the 19th century and new techniques made their manufacture easier and less costly. At the same time, the renewed interest in the Middle Ages allowed the rediscovery of the art of stained-glass. This new stained-glass was quickly integrated into both public and domestic architecture. It met perfectly the light requirements of Art Nouveau architects and gave the interiors a very special atmosphere thanks to their range of colour and texture. 
The 2020 edition of the World Art Nouveau Day highlighted these designs which transpose the decor imagined by the artists into glass.

RANN Members participation

A photo of a stained-glass from one of the member cities was featured each week on our Facebook page. The community was invited to invent a legend inspired by stained-glass!
The idea was to appeal to the creativity of our community. On D-Day, the best legends was published on the Facebook page as a quote.

©All rights reserved, complete credit on request

Awarded Quotes


RANN members have organised local activities to celebrate the 2020 World Art Nouveau Day. The whole programme is available here.

Photo contest

In 2020, the Résesau Art Nouveau Network organised a photo contest on the topic My Art Nouveau Archives.
As the health crisis forced us to stay at home, we asked the public to share with us and the RANN community their favourite Art Nouveau memories and tell us, in a few lines, why the subject of their photograph is important to them, why they recommend it to us, and where we would find it?


Joseph Maria Olbrich, Secession Building, 1897, Vienna (Austria) ©UitlegMetVideo

Guillaume Segers, Aegidium, 1905, Brussels (Belgium) ©Agota Demeter

The Jury Prize for the picture that best matched the theme according to a jury was awarded to Marcel Gerbrands.

Why did Marcel chose this photo? :
“Beautifully stylized owls and their ornaments.”

What’s Marcel’s tip? :
“Visit the Secessionsgebäude and see the sidewall on the right!”

The public prize for the photo collecting the highest number of “likes” at the end of the contest was awarded to Agota Demeter.

Why did Agota chose this photo? :
“It was always on my bucket list to visit the Aegidium and finally in February 2020 we managed to register for a guided visit to this magical building. I was very lucky to take this picture without any of the other fellow visitors featuring on it. Somehow “the art nouveau photo I always wanted to take”.”

What’s Agot’as tip? :
“Contact the organisation “Les Visites de mon Voisin”. Very enthusiast local guides will make the tour very colourful. A real travel in time and space.”

All the photographs received are available on Pinterest