Academic Research

Academic thesis are often “hidden” in university libraries and difficult to locate for the interested public. The thesis are a great source to deepen the knowledge on Art Nouveau artists and their works throughout the history, which is why we have chosen to start a list of such publications.

Below you will find brief information on Art Nouveau related research, on doctorate (PhD) and post-doctorate level. If you are interested in consulting any of the publications, please read the complementary information (that is available in some cases) and contact the responsible universities. You can also contact one of the listed documentation centres on this website if you are looking for a specific publication or if you are interested in a specific subject.

If you, or someone you know, is involved in Art Nouveau related research, please let us know by filling in the questionnaire and returning it to us:

Country City Searcher Description Year Link
SPAIN BARCELONA Jordi RIBERA BERGOS El escenógrafo Maurici Vilomara. Le metteur en scène Maurici Vilomara
Facultat Geografia i Histňria de la Universitat de Barcelona C/ Montalegre, 6-8 ESP-08001 BARCELONA